💬 字符串常见算法问题
- String to Integer (atoi)
- Convert a string to an integer.
- Longest Common Subsequence (LCS):
- Find the length of the longest common subsequence between two strings.
- Palindrome Check(判断回文字符串):
- Determine if a given string is a palindrome (reads the same backward as forward).
- Longest Palindromic Substring(最长回文子串):
- Find the longest substring that is a palindrome in a given string.
- Reverse a String(反转字符串):
- Reverse the characters in a string.
- eg: Reverse "hello" to "olleh".
- String Matching (字符串匹配):
- Substring Search. Find the occurrence of a substring within a string.
- Anagram Detection(字谜检测):
- Determine if two strings are anagrams (contain the same characters with the same frequency).
- String Compression(字符串压缩):
- Compress a string by counting repeated characters (e.g., "aaabbb" becomes "a3b3").
- Regular Expression Matching(实现正则表达式匹配):
- e.g. Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'.
- Others
- e.g. RollingHash, KMP
- 字符串和Array有很高的相似性
- 考察其他算法或者数据结构的载体
👣 字符串基本操作
s.length(), s.indexOf(), s.charAt(int i), .substring(int start, int end), .toCharArray(), new String(char[] array), s.trim().
String s = "hello world"; int l = s.length(); // l: 11; int i = s.indexOf('e'); // i: 1 char c = s.charAt(4); // c: 'o' String sub = s.substring(6, 11); // s: "world" char[] arr = s.toCharArray(); // arr: ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '.'] String[] arr2 = s.split(" "); // arr2: "hello" "world." " hello world".trim() // "hello world"
👍 解答思路
- 确认题意和边界条件
- 和出题人沟通思路
- Coding( 注意code style)
- 测试 - 常见case 和 边界case
- 分析复杂度
- 优化,follow up question
🥊 算法实战
LeetCode 344. 反转字符串
编写一个函数,其作用是将输入的字符串反转过来。输入字符串以字符数组 s 的形式给出。 不要给另外的数组分配额外的空间,你必须原地修改输入数组、使用 O(1) 的额外空间解决这一问题。 示例 1: 输入:s = ["h","e","l","l","o"] 输出:["o","l","l","e","h"] 示例 2: 输入:s = ["H","a","n","n","a","h"] 输出:["h","a","n","n","a","H"] 提示: * 1 <= s.length <= 105 s[i] 都是 ASCII 码表中的可打印字符
- 输入是什么? 输出是什么?
- 具体计算过程应该什么样?
- 考虑边界情况?
- 是否有额外要求? 是否引入库函数?
- 逐个确定疑问点
- 假装经过思考
- 提出优化方案的时候,一定要分析利弊
解1:反转字符串 一 额外空间解
申请一个同样大小新字符串,从后向前遍历,放入新字符串中。时间复杂度 O(n),空间复杂度 O(n) 。🧐能否优化?

class Solution { public void reverseString(char[] s) { int l = 0; int r = s.length - 1; while(l < r) { char temp = s[l]; s[l] = s[r]; s[r] = temp; l++; r--; } } }
💪🏻 Coding
- 注意沟通
- 注意 Code Style 有意义的函数和变量命名,合理的封装抽象
- 注意 代码逻辑清晰
- 注意有余力的情况下合理添加注释
- 注意边界
👣 测试
- 如果提供的有例子可以先测提供的例子
- 白板测试,可以口头测试,边写、边讲、边测。
👣 简单测试后-边界和Corner Case
- 一般情况正确之后考虑Corner Case ,null,“a”
优化和follow up
- 分析时间复杂度
- 分析复杂度之前,首先定义数据规模
- 分块分析,平行块只取最大
- 空间复杂度
- 不考虑输入和输出的额外空间
- 更优的时间复杂度,空间复杂度
- 更简洁的实现
- Trade off?
LeetCode 541. 反转字符串 II

class Solution { public String reverseStr(String s, int k) { char[] a = s.toCharArray(); int start = 0; int end = a.length - 1; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i+=2*k) { reverseStrItem(a, i, Math.min(i+k-1, end)); } return new String(a); } public void reverseStrItem(char[] arr, int start, int end) { while(start < end) { char temp = arr[start]; arr[start] = arr[end]; arr[end] = temp; start += 1; end -= 1; } } }
LeetCode1768. 交替合并字符串

class Solution { public String mergeAlternately(String word1, String word2) { int w1 = word1.length(); int w2 = word2.length(); int index = 0; char[] arr = new char[w1+w2]; for (int i=0; i < w1 | i < w2; i++) { if (i < w1) arr[index++] = word1.charAt(i); if (i < w2) arr[index++] = word2.charAt(i); }; return new String(arr); }; }
Leetcode5. 最长回文(palindromic)子串(substring)

- 遍历字符串中的每个位置,扩散指真head、tail,直到head, tail节点值不相等或者指真溢出,停止扩散。
- 取当前节点作为中心位置

b. 取当前节点+右节点作为中心位置:

- 扩散指真head、tail同时计算以
class Solution { public String longestPalindrome(String s) { int start = 0; int distance = 1; for (int i=0; i<s.length()-1; i++) { int m1 = getPalindrome(s, i, i); int m2 = getPalindrome(s, i, i+1); int maxDis = Math.max(m1, m2); if (maxDis > distance) { start = i; distance = maxDis; } } int offset = distance % 2 == 1 ? 1 : 2; start = start - (distance - offset) / 2; return s.substring(start, start + distance); } public int getPalindrome(String s, int head, int tail) { while(head > -1 && tail < s.length() && s.charAt(head) == s.charAt(tail)) { head--;//-1 tail++;//3 } return tail - head + 1 - 2; } }
用 P(i,j)表示字符串 s 的第 i 到 j个字母组成的串s[i:j],
- 长度>2
- 长度=2
1 | ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
5 | 2 | ㅤ | ㅤ |
8 | 6 | 3 | ㅤ |
10 | 9 | 7 | 4 |
class Solution { public String longestPalindrome(String s) { int len = s.length(); if (len < 2) return s; boolean[][] dp = new boolean[len][len]; int l=0; int r=0; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { dp[i][i] = true; } char[] charArray = s.toCharArray(); for (int L=2; L<=len; L++) { for (int i=0; i<=len-L; i++) { int j = i + L - 1; if (charArray[i] != charArray[j]) { dp[i][j] = false; } else if (j-i<3) { dp[i][j] = true; } else { dp[i][j] = dp[i+1][j-1]; } if (dp[i][j] == true && j-i > r-l) { l=i; r=j; } } } return s.substring(l, r+1); } }